American Grime 2020 Tour Packages

American Grime has tour packages available for 2020.

Spooky x AmericanGrime (( MARCH 2020 ))

With the finalizing of the #ClartNationTour featuring AmericanGrime x Spooky Bizzle, we aim to give a second opportunity to the cities that may have missed us on our first go around with the #ClartNation2Tour. Spooky looks to be back in the States in March, so we have weekday and a few weekend dates available. On select dates, fa,med MC, Jamakabi will be available.

AmericanGrime x Killa P (( MAY 4 – 24  /  JU
NE 7 – 25 ))
We are also offering our second tour package
which features the grime scenes favorite patois-spitting MC, Killa P. From songs like Topper Top and Alarma, Killa P has a proven track record of bringing the most out of songs with his piercing vocal style and recognizable high energy cadences that murders the dance.

Serious Jorge x MC Jumanji (( MARCH & APRIL 2020 ))

Lastly, we are offering a touring duo which features a fusion of the two DJ/Vocalists looking to showcase their unique sounds to new audiences.
Whether you’ve caught an after hours festival set from Serious Jorge or been in a dark nightclub rocking to the electric flows of MC Jumanji, if you’ve seen either of these artists, you know what’s in store.

Here are a few reference clips:

Spooky Bizzle

Killa P

 MC Jumanji of American Grime

Serious Jorge


Please feel free to reach out to with any further questions, or booking inquiries!



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